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Home page of Romanian city of Timisoara, Romanian soccer Romanian revolution of 1989.
Schuler Chat Forum AGs Prufungen Schuljahr Fotoalbum Professoren Liste Schule Geschichte Tradition Partnerschulen Statistik Absolventen Klassentreffen Kontakt Sekretariat Webmaster Das Samuel von Brukenthal Gymnasium (Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Rum nien) ist eine ffentliche Schule mit Unterricht in der Sprache der deutschen Minderheit. Es ist dem rum nischen Ministerium fur Nationale Erziehung durch ...
WELCOME TO SIBIU, Romania This web page is friendly hosted in France by Doctor and Mrs. Ioan Florin Dumitrescu in our personal WebSite Sibiu is a medieval town situated in Transylvania province, in the center of Romania, surrounded by the Carpati mountains. It is a wellknown cultural and tourist center. Its reputation is internationally recognized through its medieval buildings as the Brukenthal ...
A documented look into the history of Transylvania ...