- A comprehensive grouping of on-line essays, reviews, analyses and various other material related to the works of Samuel Beckett.www.samuel-beckett.net
- A comprehensive grouping of on-line essays, reviews, analyses and various other material related to the works of Samuel Beckett.home.sprintmail.com/~lifeform/Beck_Links.html
- Apmonia is the Web's largest and most comprehensive general resource site for Samuel Beckett. ...www.themodernword.com/beckett
- Home page ...www.erimaxtheatrical.com
- Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down: Ropes, Belts, and Cords in Waiting for Godot By Roger C. Schonfeld Interpersonal relationships in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot are extremely important, because the interaction of the dynamic characters, as they try to satiate one another's boredom, is the basis for the play. Vladimir's and Estragon's interactions with Godot, which should also be seen as an ...home.sprintmail.com/~lifeform/godot_roger.html