START (Solutions To Avoid Red Tide) is a grass roots, non-profit, citizen organization dedicated to funding and promoting efforts to control red tide and keep it from our shores. Its goal is to bring together government, science, business and the public in an awareness of the disastrous effects of red tide on humans, sea life, the environment and the economy to raise and distribute funds for ...
USGS - Woods Hole Field Center Description of Research Project Concerning the Sources, Transport, and Nutrient Environment ...
By John Weier March 30, 1999 During the past two summers (1997-98), a type of one-celled microscopic plant changed the color of the Bering Sea from its natural deep blue to a shimmering aquamarine in a matter of weeks. These plants, known as coccolithophores, produce and then shed hubcap-shaped, limestone (calcite) scales called coccoliths. Like all phytoplankton, the coccolithophores contain ...