- In Search of Giant Squid The giant squid lives in most of the world's oceans and is among the biggest animals in the sea . . . BUT . . . it is rarely seen. It hunts smaller sea creatures . . . BUT . . . larger animals feed on it. It has inspired fantastic tales . . . BUT . . . the facts are even more fascinating than the fiction. This online exhibition makes extensive use of backgrounds, font ...seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/squid.html
- The Giant Squid The existence of the giant squid, genus Architeuthis, is well accepted by science though few have ever been seen, and little is known about their habits. Giant squid are carnivorous mollusks that have a long, torpedo shaped body. At one end, surrounding a beak-like mouth strong enough to cut through steel cable, are five pairs of arms. One pair, thinner and longer than the rest, ...unmuseum.mus.pa.us/squid.htm
- Images of Giant Squid from the film Incredible Suckers ...ncca.bournemouth.ac.uk/main/staff/vassili/giant_squid.html