- Frostbite@ (4)
- Hypothermia@ (21)
- What is Windchill Windchill is strictly a comparison. The baseline for the comparison is conceptually an unclothed individual moving through calm air at about 4 mph (a pretty brisk walking pace!). The comparison works like this: The wind is blowing at 20 mph and the temperature is 20 deg F. If I were out naked, how would this make me feel The answer (from the formula!) is that you'd feel like ...www.atd.ucar.edu/homes/rilling/windchill.html
- ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Gene_Nygaard/windchil.htm
- Teachers' Lab The goal of the Teachers' Lab is to provide teachers and educators with a deeper understanding of commonly taught math and science concepts. Many of the Labs are based upon professional development workshops broadcast on the Annenberg/CPB Channel. Why do windy winter days seem so bitterly cold A winter day with a strong wind can seem much colder than one with only a mild wind, ...www.learner.org/exhibits/weather/act_windchill
- About Wind Chill.... by Steve Horstmeyer, Meteorologist, WKRC TV, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Return to Home Page Return to Just Ask Steve Table of Contents Look for more on wind chill in Weatherwise, Oct/Nov 1995 Robert Frost on Wind Chill The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April Day When the sun is out and the wind is still, You're one month on in the middle of May.www.shorstmeyer.com/wxfaqs/windchill/windchill.html