MATHCOUNTS ( is the national math coaching and competition program for 7th and 8th grade students.
CMS sponsors Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC), Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO); and coordinates Canada's participation in the Asian Pacifi Mathematics Olympiad (APMO), William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, and International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
International Mathematical Olympiad The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students and is held annually in a different country. The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participating. It has gradually expanded to over 80 countries from 5 continents. The IMO Advisory Board ensures that the competition ...
Kangaroo is a European mathematics competition for various levels of students.
The Problem of the Week Contests, containing 5 unique mathematical problems to solve, are designed for children and adults of all ages. Each week thousands of participants from around the globe attempt the mathematical challenges with a Casio calculator being rewarded to one randomly chosen correct problem-solver for each contest.
La Olimp ada Iberoamericana de Matem tica se realiza bajo la coordinaci n de la Organizaci n de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) y las reglas est n fijadas por un Reglamento Permanente, aprobado en 1990 en Valladolid, Espa a y reformado en 1995 en Re aca, Chile.
Information about the Tournament Program of the 2002 Tournament The 2002 Tests The 2002 Winners Program of the 2001 Tournament The 2001 Tests The 2001 Winners Program of the 2000 Tournament The 2000 Tests The 2000 Winners Program of the 1999 Tournament The 1999 Tests The 1999 Winners HSU home page | Math Dept home page | comments ...
The goal of the contest is to introduce high school students of all ability levels to accessible new topics in mathematics while providing stimulating, challenging problems to stretch the best students in the country.
MATHCOUNTS-NJ ( is the NJ State math coaching and competition program for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.
The Rice University Mathematics Tournament is an annual competition for high school students.
On February 21, 1998, MIT and Harvard joined forces with Rice University and Washington University in St. Louis to hold one of the largest high school math competitions in the nation. It was hosted at Harvard University, and followed the testing format of the Rice Math Tournament. On February 27, 1999, the contest was held once again, and the third annual HMMT was successfully held on Saturday, February 26, 2000.
Mathcounts is a national math coaching and competition program that promotes math achievement by 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. In Minnesota, the program is coordinated by members of the Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers who work closely with teachers.
The Texas Competitive Mathematics home page serves as a clearinghouse of information for students and coaches of UIL and TMSCA competitions in Number Sense, Calculator, Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science. Currently users can get information on upcoming meets, results of past meets, and links to different schools UIL / TMSCA home pages.
Organizing Committee Jury Coordinators Logo Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Cyprus Greece FYR Macedonia Republic of Moldova Romania Turkey Yugoslavia The Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) is a mathematical contest for school pupils from the countries situated in the Balkan region. The Aims of the BMO: the challenging, encouragement and development of mathematically gifted school ...
Mathcounts is one of the country's largest and most successful education partnerships involving volunteers, educators, industry sponsors, and students. Kentucky's program is sponsored by the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers (KSPE) through the Kentucky Engineering Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
The olympiad consists of three consecutive mathematics examinations, called the first, the second and the final round. The first as well as the second round consists of 30 multiple choice problems with 5 answer alternatives out of which exactly one is the correct answer. The final round is an essay-type examination.
The Mathematical, Computing and Information Sciences Department of Jacksonville State University is proud to direct the Alabama Statewide Mathematics Contest, which is sponsored by the Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) and the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics (AACTM).
Starting in the fall, at the beginning of every school year, educators, former mathletes, and tons of volunteers work together to coach future Mathcounts competitors.