- CSIRO Exploration and Mining undertakes strategic research in the Minerals and Energy Industy with specialised skills in the scientific and engineering disciplines of structural geology, petrology, metallogeny, regolith and isotope geochemistry, airborne and borehole geophysics, remote sensing, computer modelling, geomechanics, environmental science, ...www.dem.csiro.au
- The Centre for Ore Deposit Research (CODES SRC) is an ARC special research centre that works in close collaboration with the Australian mining industry to investigate the geological and geochemical factors that control the formation and location of economic mineral deposits.www.codes.utas.edu.au
- What do Mining Engineers Do UNSW School of Mining Engineering... staff profiles, facilities, scholarships Undergraduate and Post Graduate Studies....course descriptions and prerequisites Australian National Centre for Mine Ventilation. A Minerals Tertiary Education Council initiative to provide excellence in ventilation teaching for undergraduate, postgraduate and ongoing professional ...www.mining.unsw.edu.au