- Learning to live with the changes brought about by cancer of the larynx is a special challenge. Rehabilitation is a very important part of the treatment plan.healthlink.mcw.edu/article/952718849.html
- Books for Laryngectomees, Families, Friends & Speech Professionals.www.luminaud.com/book-dis.htm
- Esophageal speech can also produce a more "normal" sounding voice but it can be sometimes harder to understand.www.cancer.org/eprise/main/docroot/MBC/content/MBC_3_2X_Speech_After_Laryngectomy?sitearea=MBC
- Patients may try out various new ways of talking. One way is to use air forced into the esophagus to produce the new voice (esophageal speech).www.cancerlinksusa.com/larynx/rehab.htm
- Evaluation and training can be provided in the use of alaryngeal devices and esophageal speech.www.rochesterrehab.org/out_rehab/ORS_SPEECH/ors_speech.asp
- The IRL recognized the need for further education of SLPs in laryngectomee rehab.slpchatarchives.homestead.com/STApril92001.html