- SOME LOCAL GREEN PARTY WEBSITES CARLOW CAVAN/MONAGHAN CLARE EAST CLARE CORK DUNLAOGHAIRE GALWAY WICKLOW The Green Party in Ireland put the quality of life of citizens before the profit-interest of big business. We campaign on a broad policy platform which covers such topics as sustainable development, public transport, corporate responsibility and nuclear decommissioning. TREVOR SARGENT TD ...www.greenparty.ie
- The Green Party of Clare are a fast growing group of dedicated people actively involved in local environmental and social issues and committed to bringing about a better quality of life though clean living for all the citizens of County Clare.greenparty.ennis.ie
- Niall O Brolchain. Dail Candidate for Galway West. Profile. Phone: 091-528201 Email: niallob@esatclear.ie The Galway Greens, working towards a better quality of life. WHAT WE STAND FOR IN GALWAY Yes - to Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Store. No - to Incineration - Superdumps - Litter. Yes - to a Galway Transport Initiative. No - to an outer bypass of Galway City. Yes - to Green Spaces and ...ireland.iol.ie/~niallob/green.html