- The history and significance of the Noble Sanctuary, Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.www.noblesanctuary.com
- The Academy of Jerusalem Co-Instructive Courses The stone which the builders once rejected has become the head corner stone. (Psalms 118, 22) The Dome of the Rock on Jerusalem's Temple Mountain could become the corner stone for the future Universal Temple . . .the inside story of the dome contains a message from its designers that could lead to reconciliation between the three major religions who ...members.tripod.com/~TheHOPE/domecour.htm
- This article is about the Dome of the Rock and the ways in which it does not fit the description of the typical mosque. It discusses the elements which were borrowed from other architectural traditions. It also gives some background on this important monument and briefly discusses the reasons behind it.www.suite101.com/article.cfm/4205/19933