Monmouth College is a private, liberal arts institution affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and dedicated to preparing students for rich personal and professional lives. Monmouth's Scottish heritage is reflected in its renowned bagpipe band and in its athletic teams...the Fighting Scots.
The Mellinger Foundation is committed to the support of education, in accordance with the wishes of its founder. Her goal was to provide an ongoing memorial to her brother, Edward A. Mellinger, who believed that education was of major significance to the progress of human society. Accordingly, the Foundation devotes a major portion of its resources to providing scholarship and loan assistance to ...
Community and tourist information.
WARREN COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #222 1905 100th Street Monmouth, Illinois 61462 Phone: 309.734.9411 Fax: 309.734.6090 Warren School is a K-12 district located in west central Illinois. The school district serves a population of 400 students who live in the rural areas surrounding Monmouth. The school superintendent, Mr. William Rees, has been the superintendent at Warren for the past 20 ...
Terra Coasters The absorbent one with the rim - Coasters, Wine Coasters, Plant Coasters, Trivets, Bread Warmers, Candle Coasters all made from a naturaly occuring mineral stone. Terra Coasters are an Ideal gift for friends, family members, business associates, secretaries etc...