A non-profit organization dedicated to saving America's heritage for generations to come ...
Dedicated to Preserving the Kernstown, (Winchester) Battlefield.
This site is dedicated to expanding and sharing the history of three of Virginia's Civil War regiments with Allegheny Highland origins.
Detailed history of the 18th. Virginia Cavalry. Biogrphies of veterans, photos and detailed battle stories. The 18th. Vriginia Cavalry and the role it played in the Confederate States short history.
List of Battles Hot News The Richmond Battlefields Association (RBA) has pledged to protect the historical integrity of the battlefields near Richmond, Virginia, by preserving them from destruction. The RBA hopes to achieve this goal by promoting historical preservation in general, and by educating the public about the tremendous importance of these Richmond battlefields. We believe these ...
Home page for Brady's Michigan Sharpshooters, an American Civil War reenacting group.
The 50th Virginia Company D is a Civil War re-enactment organization, dedicated to providing an accurate account and representation of the events of the groups battles.
The 46th Virginia Infantry, Co. F, C.S.A., Inc., is a non-profit, Civil War living history organization dedicated to the preservation of our Nation's Civil War heritage through battle reenactments, living history encampments, educational seminars, and preservation efforts.
49th Virginia Infantry ...