A magnet for hikers from around the world. What is the secret of the magic and mystery of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
A fortress city of the ancient Incas, in a high saddle between two peaks NW of Cuzco, Peru. The extraordinary pre-Columbian ruin, 5 sq. Miles of terraced stonework link by 3, 000 steps; it was virtually intact when discovered by Hiram Bibghan in 1911 ...
Starting point for the Virtual Inca Trail, a short illustrated guide to the Inca Trail. The Inca Trail is a hiking route through the mountains near Cuzco, Peru, which ends at the Inca city of Machu Picchu.
Mi visita a Las Tumbas Reales de Sipan y paginas relacionadas Arete del Sacerdote Guerrero (212 KB) Otras paginas sobre las tumbas de Sipan: Las Tumbas Reales de Sipan RCP/INC Peru Explorer Pagina de Moche Departamento de Antropolog a Universidad de Wisconsin La exhibicion de las tumbas reales de Sipan fueron abiertas al p blico el 2 de Junio de 1995 en el Museo de Historia Natural Smithonian en ...
Machu Picchu, Ancient America ...
Vantage Adventures - Peru Information ...
Machu Picchu Journey We are back from Peru after a whirlwind trip to Machu Picchu and an awful lot of plane, train, and bus rides. The real object was a day-and-a-half at MP, but we also had half-day tours at Lima and Cuzco which were definitely worthwhile, and spent an evening and an afternoon with Peruvian friends. There follows a blow-by- blow account: We took an overnight flight via Miami to ...