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RETURN THE EYE IS A MINOX Peter Zimmerman email: Every film format has a distinctive look. Pictures taken with an 8x10 inch view camera and contact printed seem impossibly sharp from foreground to infinity. This is often because the photographer used the swings and tilts of the front and back of the camera to create an artificial reality. If one uses a 35 mm camera, the lens ...
Return Seeing With the Minox by Peter Zimmerman Peter Zimmerman email: It's no harder to take good pictures with the Minox than with any other camera. It's no easier either, but it is different. Since there are only 88 square millimeters on a Minox negative compared to 864 on a 35mm negative, there is not a square millimeter to waste. The photographer has to use the whole format ...
Return Peter Zimmerman email: MOONSHOT Minox 8x11 Peter Zimmerman Tele-Minox: Using the Minox with Binoculars Sometimes you just cant get close to your subject. If its a castle on a hill and youre in the valley you have two choices as a Minox photographer: you can shoot the picture, and get a good view of the surroundings with a tiny, tiny castle in the distance, or you can ...
Return Tips on living with your Minox Peter Zimmerman email: As much fun as the Minox is, it still requires a little different treatment than other cameras do. These tips should help you get the most from the Minox, any Minox. If you have some other ideas to add, let me know so I can share them with others. 1. Cases That Minox B you found is in beautiful condition. The meter is ...