- The Rosen Stop Smoking Workshop is one of the most effective smoking cessation programmes for workplace smoking policy support and for individuals wishing to quit smoking. ...www.stopsmokingnow.co.uk
- Nicorette UK - Nicorette Inhalator is the only form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy which directly deals with both the body's addiction to nicotine and the actual act of smoking a cigarette.www.nicorette.co.uk
- Crafe Away: the safe and smokeless cigarette with a tobacco taste to help give up smoking.www.crafe-away.co.uk
- SMOKERS STOP SHOP - everything for the would-be non-smoker, stop smoking, quit smoking, give up smoking, smoking cessation, products, cessation aids, shop, help, information, advice, hypnosis, acupuncture ...www.smokersstopshop.co.uk