Organic Seed Garlic, We offer over 100 unique strains if organic seed garlic for gardeners, farmers and nurseries - Learn the culinary and horticultural ...
At Charley's Farm, we grow 30 varieties of garlic using organic methods and Charley also creates cedar bird houses that are safe for birds.
Quality seed garlic grown in the Finger Lakes region of New York. We offer quality hardneck garlic for seed or table stock. We also offer garlic braids. Often refered to as gourmet garlic, topset, hardneck garlic provides a superior taste to store bought softneck, which is usually grown in California or China. For centuries garlic has been renowned for its medicinal properties. It has ...
Oregon garlic, onion and shallot grower - garlic sets, western rose garlic, oregon blue, onion sets, shallots, garlic clove, onion grower, garlic grower, topsetting onions.