The Holland Animation Film Festival is an international biennial film festival dedicated to animation film of high quality. The festival has a competition for applied animation, shows recent independent animation films, thematic programmes, retrospectives and more.
Welcome to the home page of the 1998 International Conference on Trade Unions, Homosexuality and Work! The 1998 conference gathered people from all over the world, with a positive interest in the role trade unions (can) play in fighting for human rights and trade union rights for lesbians and gay men or people with same-sex relationships or love. This conference has been endorsed by the ...
DRU Verwarming bv, Holland. Gas hearth insets, decorative heaters and electric hearth insets. Nederlands, Englisch, Francais.
Het epicentrum van zen activiteit in hartje Nederland, onder de Dom in Utrecht. Informatie over zen cursussen en andere activiteiten. The Epicenter of Zen activity in the heart of the Netherlands, right under the Dome tower in Utrecht. Information on Zen courses and other activities.
Informatie over de kerk en haar activiteiten, MegaChurch-kerk voor jongeren, Sampie-pagina's voor kinderen (met leuke spelletjes), Alpha cursus, muziek tracks van de nieuwe Kerst-CD (Vrolijk Kerstfeest Iedereen) te beluisteren.