- Apparel and gear designed for backpacking, and outdoor winter sports.www.mountaingear.com
- Climbing Gear and Equipment including Climbing Harnesses Carabiners and Climbing Rope.climbinggearinc.com
- The best climbing gear and equipment from manufacturers of climbing harnesses and ropes as well as climbing shoes and helmets. Find all climbing gear for bouldering, rock and ice climbing.www.ems.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=3677347
- Petzl harness design has always been driven by three main concerns: first and foremost, climber safety, secondarily the comfort of the climber and then the ...www.petzl.com/en/outdoor/harnesses
- Online shopping for Climbing Harnesses at Amazon.com.www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=3402661
- Stay safe and secure as you take on your climbing challenges in these terrific climbing harnesses and rock climbing helmets from Campmor.www.campmor.com/gear/climbing/harnesses-helmets.shtml