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- Khan, Genghis (3)
- Khan, Kublai (3)
- Genghis Khan - NGS ...www.nationalgeographic.com/genghis/index.html
- The Land of Genghis Khan - Mongolia - main navigation ...www.nationalgeographic.com/genghis/trail.html
- Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan marks the largest and most significant presentation of Mongolian art ever viewed in the United States.www.asianart.com/mongolia
- The great traveler Marco Polo describes a battle of the Mongol Khan ...www.ibiscom.com/khan.htm
- Marko Polo and Korcula by dr. Zivan Filippi Million - At the Court of Kublai-Khan When the two brothers, Nikola and Mate Polo, this time together with young Marko, found themselves again in this big town, they went straight to the emperor's palace where they saw the ruler in the company of a great number of dignitaries. They bowed in front of him with the greatest respect. The Khan ordered them ...www.korcula.net/mpolo/mpolo5.htm
- Who2 - The fastest way to find famous people online. For each famous person we offer the simple data you're most likely looking for: birth and death dates, most famous works, odd or famous trivia...www.who2.com/kublaikhan.html