- The Blomidon Naturalists Society http://www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~bns/ P.O. Box 127 Wolfville, Nova Scotia B0P 1X0 Last updated March 2002 Email us: bns@go.ednet.ns.ca OTHER PAGES Meetings and Field Trips Chimney Swifts Nature Reports Society Business BNS Information Resource Persons Membership /Comment Form BNS Publications Nature Notes WWW Nature Links Coming Events Tide Time Chart Courtesy of ...www.go.ednet.ns.ca/~bns/home.htm
- Halifax Field Naturalists The objectives of the Halifax Field Naturalists are to encourage a greater appreciation and understanding of Nova Scotia's natural history, both within the membership of HFN and in the public at large; and to represent the interests of naturalists by encouraging the conservation of Nova Scotia's natural resources. The HFN holds regular meetings and field trips and these ...www.chebucto.ns.ca/Recreation/FieldNaturalists/fieldnat.html
- A bog is defined as a mossy, peat-covered or peat-filled wetland (peatland), that develops on open terrain with restricted drainage (i.e., where the amount of water going in exceeds the amount of water going out). The water supply of a bog comes almost exclusively from precipitation, resulting in a nutrient-poor, acidic environment. As a bog has limited external drainage, the surface is ...museum.gov.ns.ca/mnh/nature/nhns/h4/h4-1.htm