Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology.
Site available in German and English.
The university was founded in Berlin in 1810.
The Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit t was founded on October 18, 1818 by King Friedrich Wilhelm II.
Democracy and equality of opportunity, interdisciplinarity and practical applicability were the watchwords of the founders of this university.
University of Bremen homepage.
Founded in 1828.
University home page.
Liebig University in Giessen combines up-to-date research and teaching with the tradition of a university which is now almost 400 years old.
It was founded in 1970 as part of the double university Trier/Kaiserslautern on the initiative of the Land Government to complete the Rheinland-Pfalz university landscape.
The University of Jena was founded during the second main phase of construction of the German universities (1527 - 1669) and was a result of the reformational policy of the Ernestine dukedoms.
The origins of the University date back to the year 1818.
The University of Trier, founded in 1473 and closed in the Napoleonic era, was re-established in 1970 as a modern campus university.
Official information about Bavarian politics, culture, education, commerce, tourism, including videoclips and a waving flag.
Main site for the international, research-based group active in life sciences, polymers and chemicals. Site in English and German with links to all international sites.
The University continues the fine tradition of the first State University of Brandenburg (Alma Mater Viadrina - 1506 to 1811), and today especially endeavours to face the challenge of a new Europe.
Arzte Zeitung Online - die einzige Tageszeitung zur Gesundheit ...
Germany | Much more information about Germany German WWW servers Homepage of this WWW server
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These pages provide you with a brief introduction to the Fachhochschule Furtwangen - what it is, where it is, what degrees it offers etc.
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The 'German Studies Trails' Page of Professor Andreas Lixl-Purcell at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro lists extraordinary web sites pertaining to German literature, culture, theater, film, politics, sciences, arts, business, and German language media on the web. Department of German and Russian, UNCG.
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Leipzig University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1992 to continue the 160 year-old tradition of technical education within a changing economic and social environment.
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National German organization of left, green and peace-related scientists`, advocates public policies that advance civil liberties, civic involvment and democratic values.
The aim of the Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management is to investigate constructive procedures and models for dealing with ethno-political conflicts in Europe and to monitor and support these where they are applied in practice. Explicit stress is laid on the constructive aspect in order, firstly, to highlight the fact that conflicts are an important and necessary element ...
This is a must-visit site for all German culture lovers -- both newcomers and connoisseurs. Get informatiom about German Culture from Tatyana Gordeeva.
Distributor for Helios Software products in Germany. Data sheets, technical support info, news.
GERMANY - A Country Study Search Germany Include word variants Use only words as entered. Germany Foreword Acknowledgments Preface Table A. English Equivalents of Selected German Place-Names Table B. Selected Abbreviations Country Profile Country Geography Society Economy Transportation and Telecommunications Government and Politics National Security Introduction Chapter 1. Historical Setting: ...
BrainLAB is a manufacture of advanced medical systems in the fields of Neurosurgery and Radiation Therapy. Since 1989, BrainLAB has pioneered the use of 3-D renderings of CT and MRI images to improve accuracy and reduce the invasiveness of neurosurgical procedures, introducing systems that reduce cost and improve effectiveness and quality of life for patients. With headquarters in Munich, Germany and offices in the United States, China, Hong Kong, Italy, France, Spain, UK and South America, BrainLAB offers
WWW.Fido.DE home page ...
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit t Frankfurt am Main Fachbereich Informatik (20) Conversion of German Postleitzahlen ZIP - codes via xplz 3.4 look here for international zip - code sources Please convert the german umlauts ( oe, ae, u ue, ss )by yourself. Please convert abbreviations like Gauss-str. to Gauss-strasse . (I found that xplz 3.4 dont expand this:-( This should be filled out in any ...
This German heritage club celebrates and preserves the Donauschwaben culture. Learn who we are and what we're doing!
The starting place for exploring Germany and getting to know German cultural stereotypes ...
Preliminary Study Public Health Documentation Technical University Berlin Institute for Health Sciences Sponsored by the German Minister of Health Deutsche Version Preliminary Study Public Health Documentation About the study The Declaration of the 5. International Conference for Health Promotion in Jakarta July 1997 Public Health Information Exchange Introduction, Databases, Libraries, ...
All about the Bavarian, Austrian and international Lederhosen.
A source of useful information on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other german speaking lands.
Practical guides for making a successful transition to living in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Six other countries to be added to the series in the near future.
I have lived in Australia since 1961 when I came here on a 2 year working holiday from Germany, at the age of 19 and I stayed.Ich wohne seit 1961 in Australien, wo ich im Alter von 19 Jahren fuer 2 Jahre Arbeitsferien vonDeutschland ankam und geblieben bin.
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Veramed-Klinik in Germany is a medical hospital for oncolocical acute treatment ans measures of rehabilitation. The concept of Veramed combines oncological standard therapies with elements of naturopathy.
Hier finden Sie die Website des BLACKOUT-THEATERs, einer Freien Theatergruppe aus Aachen, Germany. Sie haben die Gelegenheit uns kennenzulernen unter den Rubriken: TERMINE, PRESSESTIMMEN, WIR UBER UNS, FOTOALBUM, STUCKE und DAS TEAM. Au erdem haben Sie die Moglichkeit, online Karten fur eine unserer Auffuhrungen zu reservieren.
ISYMED GmbH - Innovative Systems for Medical Care. Soft- and Hardware for online data recording and storage in the medical sector. Quality assurance for the renal field - KT/V. Medical Scales. FINESSE dialysis management system.
German-English internet translation, intterpreting and cross-cultural support services based in Sydney, Australia.
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