- PulpNews is for the serious crime newsaholic. It's updated on a minute-by-minute basis and offers a large database of crimenews sortable by state. Twitter/Pulpnews & http://Pulpnews.com/rss/rss.xmlpulpnews.com
- Crime Magazine is about true crime, prisons, courts, serial killers, trials, holocaust, fugitives, murder, death penalty, lindbergh, sharon kinne, books, police, FBI, movies, hollywood ...www.crimemagazine.com
- True crime and criminal justice news stories from around the world updated throughout the day. Includes an index to earlier news and key word archive search capability.www.crimenews2000.com
- Politics index ...www.theatlantic.com/politics/crime/crime.htm
- The Crime Beat Gazette is a bimonthly newsletter of information related to public safety, crime and violence prevention, safety, personal security and like matters.www.thecrimebeatgazette.com