Our healing touch as Health Care Workers has comforted countless numbers of patients throughout our careers, but where is our comfort? Is mandatory overtime, lack of staffing and unsafe practices within the workplace leaving you dismayed? Are your concerns falling on deaf ears, or even criticized? There is a voice like yours. It speaks, not through one, but through millions. Who suffers most with these unsafe practices.....the patient and the patient's families. Don't let this happen to YOU!
Several articles on patients rights covering areas such as nursing homes, hospitals, funeral planning and advance directives.
Introduced by Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle in the Senate on March 31, 1998, the Patients' Bill of Rights would guarantee patients greater access to information and necessary care including access to needed specialists and emergency rooms, guarantee a fair appeals process when health plans deny care, expand choice, protect the doctor-patient relationship and hold HMOs accountable for decisions that end up harming patients.