- Murray Leinster Home Page Murray Leinster's daughter, Betty DeHardit, is trying to compile a complete list of stories he published in the slick magazines, either as Murray Leinster or Will Jenkins. If you have any information on these stories which does not already appear on the website, please send it to me. Enter your e-mail address to receive e-mail when this page is updated. Your E-mail ...www.sfsite.com/~silverag/leinster.html
- Murray Leinster Biographical notes by Blake Wilfong Mathematically, it's...an odds-on bet that somewhere in our galaxy another race with a civilization equal to or further advanced than ours. Murray Leinster was the pen name of American author William Fitzgerald Jenkins (1896-1975). Born in Norfolk, VA, Leinster served his country in both World Wars and wrote westerns and mysteries (including ...wondersmith.com/scifi/leinster.htm