- For over 30 years, Esalen Institute has been home to the development of a unique method of massage & bodywork known as Esalen Massage. Professional massage therapists and novices come from around the world to experience and learn these techniques surrounded by the natural beauty of the rugged Big Sur coast.www.esalenmassagevideo.com
- Massage training videos, video clips, articles and online training for massage therapists.www.realbodywork.com
- Bouncing Back From Baby produced two instructional massage videotapes: Infant massage and pregnancy massage. In addition to the tapes, we offer a wonderful line of oil and essence-based products for mom, dad and baby. All make great gifts.www.bouncingback.com
- These beautifully filmed DVDs provide excellent instruction in a variety of Massage Techniques. $2.95 shipping!www.wellspringtrading.com/Real-Bodywork-Massage-DVDs.aspx
- Real Bodywork. Massage, Yoga & Bodywork DVDs.www.physioshop.co.uk/real-bodywork-dvds