- www.cnsproductions.com/addiction-education-dvds
- GWC offers alcohol and drug addiction education and training videos and DVD's for treatment providers and the criminal justice field. Make our videos and ...www.gwcinc.com
- Each DVD includes a video of trainer Flo Hilliard teaching the Science of Addiction and Recovery, the powerpoint presentation used in the video, training tips, ...facesandvoicesofrecovery.org/store
- Visit Choices NYC Books & Gifts for CDs and DVDs for 12-step recovery, addiction, fellowship, alcoholics anonymous, AA, NA and OA.www.choices-nyc.com/CDs-DVDs.asp
- Humor in Treatment is a hilarious lecturer DVD set featuring comedian Mark Lundholm used in drug rehab programs, helping people undergoing substance abuse addiction treatment.www.funnyrecovery.com