- Northern Colorado Intertribal Pow-wow Association P.O. Box 1938 Fort Collins, CO 80522 E-mail: ncipa@fortnet.org Prayer, dancing and songs to the beat of the drum bring people of all races together in unity... About the Northern Colorado Intertribal Pow-wow Association What is a PowWow In a Nutshell Our Sponsors How You Can Help Scholarship Recipients Our Purpose Royalty 2002 Pow-wow - June ...www.fortnet.org/PowWow
- A monthly profile of the lesbian, bisexual and alternative women's community ...weirdsisters.org
- Colorado State Univerity Student Organization for Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals NEXT MEETING: Wed., Februray 14, 2001 So, like it or not, you probably all know what day that is. Yes, it's Valentine's Day. Well, we wanted to do something were we could include both those who have someone to celebrate the day with as well as those who don't. Since our progressive dinner got postponed last semester, ...www.colostate.edu/Orgs/SOGLB