- Institutes (2)
- Kvantkemi Aktuellt Information Utbildning Forskning Personal Seminarier IJQC Konferenser   Uppsala universitet || Fysiska insitutionen || Avdelningen f r kvantkemi Avdelningen f r kvantkemi In Memoriam Professor emeritus Per-Olov L wdin - 2002. Fysiska institutionen, avdelningen f r kvantkemi, Box 518, 751 20 Uppsala | Kontakt | Senast ndrad 2002-06-14 | URL http://www.kvac.uu.se | ...www.kvac.uu.se
- Our goal is to apply the principles of quantum mechanics and electronic structure theory to address problems in physical, organic, inorganic, and biological chemistry. High performance computers are used to solve the complex equations describing the system of interest, yielding predictions of structures, bonding, energetics, reactivity, and other physical properties ...vergil.chemistry.gatech.edu
- www.qchem.pnpi.spb.ru
- Photochemical Hydrogen Tunneling in Acridine Doped Fluorene Single Crystals ...www.bernd-prass.de