Tapestry Against Polygamy is an organization of former wives and children of polygamy who advocate against human rights violations due to polygamy and provide assistance to those leaving this lifestyle.
Polygamypage.info for polygamy, bigamy, and related academic research, legal study and christian debate on what the Bible teaches about marriage, divorce, remarriage and polygamy ...
Marriage and Family are institutions for all people, regardless of religious affiliation or lack of one, and are necessary for the stability and health of a nation. The purpose of this site is to provide a resource for people who wish to move beyond present day monogamy and to promote plural marriage by encouraging honorable individuals wishing to pursue polygamy as the marriage structure for ...
The beginings of this chronology of the anti-polygamy bills for the Utah Territory, come from a hand out I received in a Religion or History class at BYU ...
The 1852 Utah Territorial Legislature enacted a peculiar statute concerning the rights of illegitimate children.