The goal of the Jakarta Project is to provide commercial-quality server solutions based on the Java Platform that are developed in an open and cooperative fashion.
Jigsaw is W3C's leading-edge Web server platform, providing a sample HTTP 1.1 implementation and a variety of other features on top of an advanced architecture implemented in Java.
The abacus is a mechanical aid used for counting. Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication can be performed on a standard abacus.
1 Cool Button Tool applets are ultra compact at less than 10K (compressed-size) so your applets will download in seconds.
Buffon's Needle refers to a simple Monte Carlo method for the estimation of the value of pi, 3.14159265... The idea is very simple. Suppose you have a tabletop with a number of parallel lines drawn on it, which are equally spaced (say the spacing is 1 inch, for example). Suppose you also have a pin or needle, which is also an inch long.
All Packages Class Hierarchy This Package Previous Next Index Class Acme.Serve.Serve java.lang.Object | +----Acme.Serve.Serve public class Serve extends Object implements ServletContext Minimal Java HTTP server class. This class implements a very small embeddable HTTP server. It runs Servlets compatible with the API used by JavaSoft's JavaServer server. It comes with default Servlets which ...
A Neural Override Release How To Play Use your mouse to aim your laser cannon. Destroy each volley of enemies to progress to the next level. When 50 enemies have escaped, your game is over. Type 'r' to RESTART the game at any time. Troubleshooting If bitmaps do not seem to be updating or loading properly, wiggle your mouse outside your browser window. Windows 95 users using auto hide on your ...
This java applet demonstrates how aircraft enter the airspace pattern around an airport. If they have a chance to land they will, otherwise they will continue to circle around the airport. If you click on an airplane and follow it around the pattern, it will leave the airport's airspace and proceed to the nearest airport. There is a START/PAUSE button and the applet keeps track of how many planes are in the pattern at any given time and for how long the simulation has been running.