The schools and colleges of Anthem Education Group offers CNS degree and diploma programs with a career-focused education that prepares students for entry-level positions.
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For businesses that demand high-performance, versatile, and scalable Interactive Voice Response, Plum Voice offers a combination of our own VoiceXML technology and complete professional services. We deliver telephony automation solutions that enable companies to exceed their goals and streamline their processes.
GCATT News Date Event 06/17/2002 EU-US telecom Regulatory Policy 05/15/2002 Future Communications Technologies: Perspectives from the UK and Georgia 04/23/2002 dayLIGHT Welcome to GCATT GCATT is an initiative for creating real and virtual clusters of excellence in advanced telecommunications - the latest technologies and applications in communications, computing, and content processing. Formed ...
Multiplexers, Data Comm for Business, Inc. Manufactures LAN/WAN, Remote Access, Modems, Statistical Multiplexers and DSUs.
Aug. 13, 2002 SEARCH iNNOVATOR EVENING Register & Submit Business Plan START-UP WORLD Register & Submit Business Plan Employment Opportunities Upcoming Events Last Meeting New York 6/25/2002 START-UP WORLD @ PC EXPO - Larry Schwartz, CEO, NewNetCo - Chip Austin, General Partner, i-Hatch Ventures - Howard Morgan, V. Chairman, Idealab - Ellen Sandles, Private Investors Network - Manny Martinez, ...
Welcome to Bowling Green, Ohio! We serve 300 undergraduate TCOM majors and 60+ MA and Ph.D. students in our well established programs.
QuickTime is Apple's multi-platform, industry-standard, multimedia software architecture ...
This site provides information for students and others about the computing facilities at DTU (the Technical University of Denmark). It is intended to help students use the equipment, and to give them some relevant starting points for seeking information and public software on the internet.
ATM Analyzer as PCI card for monitoring and testing of ATM networks using cheaply available Linux PCs.
Firma Holger Kranzhofer, Berlin: PC-Service, Netzwerke, Serveradministration
Authorized Toshiba & Fujitsu telephone and voice processing dealer located in Reading, PA. Able to service most key and PBX systems. Other services include ACD/call center solutions, paging, copper & fiber optic cabling and much more.
iNetMail is a convenient web based solution for online e-mail management. It helps you check and organize any Internet mail account that uses POP3 services through your Web Browser. This is a perfect web tool for any ISP or regular internet user. Receive mail, send messages with attachments, delete unwanted mail directly from your browser - iNetMail is the tool to handle the task.
A $29.95 alternative to LapLink for users who just want to transfer files and not pay for extras they don't need. Transfers files between computers through their parallel ports. Easy to install - No ports or interrupts to configure. Supports Long File Names, even between 16 and 32 bit operating systems. Runs on Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, ME and NT. Uses any parallel port - The program finds which connector has the cable. Text shown in choice of 13 languages. Free trial and free updates. To transfer files from your old DOS PCs, see THE FAST PC LINKER - DOS which can 'talk' to this Windows version.