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- Organizations (2)
- Galway Motor Club, is Ireland's leading motoring organisation. This site contains information on Irish and International motorsport.www.iol.ie/~jordane
- The public library service of Galway county provides a range of reading material suitable for all ages.www.galwaylibrary.ie
- Niall O Brolchain. Dail Candidate for Galway West. Profile. Phone: 091-528201 Email: niallob@esatclear.ie The Galway Greens, working towards a better quality of life. WHAT WE STAND FOR IN GALWAY Yes - to Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Store. No - to Incineration - Superdumps - Litter. Yes - to a Galway Transport Initiative. No - to an outer bypass of Galway City. Yes - to Green Spaces and ...ireland.iol.ie/~niallob/green.html
- Galway City .org - a website for highlighting voluntary and non-profit organisations in Galway city.www.galwaycity.org