- D.R. 2002 Tec de Monterrey, Campus Mazatlan Carretera Mazatlan-Higueras km.3 C.P. 82000 Apdo. Postal 799 Mazatlan, Sin. Mexico. Tel. 989-2000 ...www.maz.itesm.mx
- Centro de Idiomas has twelve professionals bilingual teachers to assis and encourage students to use the popular resort of Mazatlan as an open-air language lab. This helps make the learning experience exciting and efficacious.www.go2mazatlan.com/spanish
- Spanish For All specializes in intensive Spanish courses for visitors to Mazatlan. Specialty classes in medical terminology also available. Home-stays can be arranged to further your education. We also offer a wide range of other services to travellers from professional translation to help with immigration and customs issues.www.mexonline.com/efa.htm
- INSTITUTO ANGLO MODERNO Mazatlan, Sinaloa; Mexico. Excelencia Academica Antecedentes y mision Informacion General Avisos y Novedades Requisitos de Ingreso Contactenos English 25 a os al servicio de la educacion Educacion con disciplina y trabajo, a ni os y jovenes para ayudar a enfrentar los retos de nuestro mundo Cambiante y exigente ...www.anglomoderno.edu.mx