- Space Invaders Shrine - all about the classic video game Space Invaders + more ...spaceinvaders.retrogames.com
- You must have Netscape 4.0 or later Internet Explorer 4.01 or later and the shockwave plug-in to use this site ...www.triggerhappy.org
- Bill-Vaders a fun Java game This application is developed in cooperation between Lars Godejord and Heljar Flaten. INTRODUCTION: It is recommended to play this game in a resolutions of 1020*786 or a minimum of 800*600. It is also prefered that you have NETSCAPE 4.x or explorer 4.x Push to start Response to this applet can be sent to: Email: Hel@Rubicon.no or Email: Lars.Godejord@InnoWeb.no ...www.angelfire.com/me/larssg
- Kind of space invaders shockwave game. enjoy!www.godpower.de
- www.visuasound.com/directagain/spaceinvaders/spaceinvaders.htm