- Long Distance Walkers Association, UK ...www.ldwa.org.uk
- Welcome to the International Four Days Marches Nijmegen | Welkom bij de Internationale Vierdaagse Nijmegenwww.4daagse.nl
- France on Foot and France on Foot.com: a walking vacation on French paths...www.franceonfoot.com
- Awesome story of the first verified walk round the earth ...home.earthlink.net/~earthwalker1
- www.dodentocht.be
- A definitive guide to Wainwrights famous coast to coast walk. A website dedicated to providing a free and exhaustive listing to all services on the coast to coast route.www.coasttwocoast.com
- ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/stuartlamb/AWW/IndexAWW.htm