Official Website for the Town of Los Gatos.
What is this Telephone numbers used to begin with two letters, which were an abbreviation for a word. For example, there was a Glenn Miller song called PEnnsylvania 6-5000, and Liz Taylor made a movie called BUtterfield-8. I'm just barely old enough to remember that my phone number at home when I was 5 or so started with SYcamore 4, or SY4. These were telephone exchanges, and had exchange names ...
Our family thanks you all for your kind messages and support. Vigil of Hope March 9, 2002 Modesto, CA ...details Click Here to see news footage from Channel 5 about Jeanine (File size 4.8 MB) Missing Since July 27th, 2001 Jeanine was last seen at the Pruneyard Shopping Center in Campbell wearing a knee length, short sleeve, light blue, floral pattern dress, and black strap style high heeled ...