- An assortment of parasites that affect your pet.www.vetinfo.com/creepies.html
- GUARDING AGAINST GIARDIA Maggie Fisher BVetMed MRCVS Early in 1995, the kennel population of more than 100 dogs at the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association's Midlands Regional Centre in Leamington Spa was hit by an unusually severe outbreak of diarrhoea. The cause turned out to be an infection of the intestine by a commonly-occuring, single celled organism - or protozan known as Giardia. A ...www.priory.com/vet/giardia.htm
- Article on various parasites that can affect your dog's health. From West Virginia Humane.com.www.wvhumane.com/parasites
- What is a hookworm parasite life cycle How is it transmitted, diagnosed and treated Why is it a human and pet health care concernwww.talktothevet.com/ARTICLES/PARASITES/hookworms.HTM
- Vet advice on how harmful these intestinal worms are in pet dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and animals. Discusses treatment and how they are transmitted.www.talktothevet.com/ARTICLES/PARASITES/tapeworms.HTM