The Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network's website presents information on the identification, distribution, natural history and conservation of all the frogs, salamanders, lizards, turtles and snakes found in Canada. There are photos of all the species, and sounds of the species that call. Test your identification skills with the Great Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Quiz! You can ...
Tiger Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum Return to checklist: family/species species only The Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum covers a wide range of areas extending nearly coast to coast in North America. There are several subspecies within this complex, but some researcehers are of the opinion that the group should be divided into two different species. Previously, even the California Tiger ...
Marbled Salamander, Ambystoma opacum Return to checklist: family/species species only The color pattern of the Marbled Salamander is quite consistent and unique. They have gray to white bands or markings on their sides against a black background. They are a small salamander, at least for the family Ambystomatidae, reaching lengths around 4 inches. They have a black belly and generally the ...
New York State's Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species Fact Sheets ...
New York State's Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species Fact Sheets ...
MOLE SALAMANDERS For inquiries contact Mark Erelli The mole salamanders belong to the family Ambystomatidae, and are represented in the Connecticut River Valley region by four main species: the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculata), the blue spotted salamander (A. laterale), the jefferson salamander (A. jeffersonianum), and the marbled salamander (A. opacum). Herpetologists have long debated ...
THE GIANT SALAMANDERS Families; Cryptobranchidae -hellbenders Proteidae - waterdogs, water dogs, water-dogs, mudpuppies (Genus Necturus) Amphiumidae - amphiuma Sirenidae - sirens Amphiumidae and Sirenidae are endemic to North America only. Proteidae has a species in Europe, and Cryptobranchidae can also be found in the Far East, such as the Japanese salamander that reaches lengths of 5 feet (1.5 ...