NEW PHOTOS: Perrin Middle School Asher Holmes School the bog page Welcome to the Bog Page of children's author James M. Deem. This page contains links to information that explains what bogs are and why they are so fascinating (HINT: lots of things have been found there). Want to know more about bogs and bog bodies Click on the questions that interest you: What is a bog What's in a bog Why ...
Burns Bog is the largest raised peat bog on the West Coast of the Americas, and home to over 150 blue and yellow-listed species of birds, 28 sensitive, vulnerable, or managed species of mammals and countless species of plant and insect.
Over the past centuries, remains of many hundreds of people--men, women, and children--have come to light during peat cutting activities in northwestern Europe, especially in Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, northern Germany, and Denmark.
The Camosun Bog Restoration Group is a group of volunteers working with staff in Pacific Spirit Regional Park, Vancouver, B.C, dedicated to restoring the bog to a healthy, functional and sustainable bog ecosystem.
A bog is defined as a mossy, peat-covered or peat-filled wetland (peatland), that develops on open terrain with restricted drainage (i.e., where the amount of water going in exceeds the amount of water going out). The water supply of a bog comes almost exclusively from precipitation, resulting in a nutrient-poor, acidic environment. As a bog has limited external drainage, the surface is ...
The Bog HomePage. A page where people can go to learn about Bogs. Bog Locations.
Coastal Plain Bogs When most people think of bogs, they think of huge quaking mats of sphagnum moss surrounded by evergreens in the far North ... or of the vast wet moors of northern Europe. Few Marylanders realize that we have a number of small bogs right here on our Coastal Plain. These unusual wetlands are important and threatened in our state. Bogs are open, acidic, nutrient-poor wetlands ...