- Helloari home< portfolio< gallery< links< got bgh > In November 1978, former San Francisco Supervisor Dan White shot and killed Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone. In his defense he blamed stress and eating twinkies as factors that drove him temporarily insane. Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) is a genetically engineered hormone that causes cows to produce up to 25% more milk. Although ...www.helloari.com/bgh.html
- This article was published in FDA Consumer magazine several years ago. It is no longer being maintained and may contain information that is out of date. You may find more current information on this topic at FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE: HARMLESS FOR HUMANS by Beverly Corey Generations of Americans have been told that Milk is nature's most perfect food, and the ...www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/CONSUMER/CON00068.HTML