- In the News Research Demos HLSIM Publications People DARPA/MIT Amorphous Computing Workshop This is the Amorphous Computing HomePage. A colony of cells cooperates to form a multicellular organism under the direction of a genetic program shared by the members of the colony. A swarm of bees cooperates to construct a hive. Humans group together to build towns, cities, and nations. These examples ...www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/projects/amorphous/index.html
- crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/biocomp.html
- It's a hundred times faster than the best serial supercomputer. It's a billion times more energy efficient. It's a trillion times denser than the best storage media. It's a teaspoonful of DNA that's a computer! And Leonard Adleman invented it.www.wired.com/wired/archive/3.08/molecular.html
- An article from the November 28, 1997 issue of "The Chronicle of Higher Education" about DNA-based computers.www.chronicle.com/data/articles.dir/art-44.dir/issue-14.dir/14a02301.htm