- The Refugee Council is the largest refugee agency in the UK providing advice to asylum seekers and refugees, supporting other organisations in their refugee work, and promoting asylum seekers' and refugees' rights.www.refugeecouncil.org.uk
- The International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) is committed to organizing the protests of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers in support of political and social campaigns which: defend refugee and human rights; expose the Islamic Republic of Iran; reveal the progressive and modern character of Iranian refugees in contrast to usual negative and reactionary portrayals; create a ...www.hambastegi.org
- Fireworks Splice HTML ...www.star-network.org.uk
- Ockenden International, a registered charity working to promote self-reliance for refugees and displaced people.www.ockenden.org.uk
- Www.refaid.org.uk Please click here to enter the site. ...www.refaid.org.uk