- www.dc.k12.mn.us
- Click here to see live weather conditions Dassel-Cokato Middle School P.O. Box 1500 4852 Reardon Ave. S.W. Cokato, MN 55321 Mr. Jeff Powers, Principal jpowers@admin.dc.k12.mn.us Phone: 320.286.4100 ext. 1600 Fax: 320.286.4176 5th Grade--6th Grade--7th Grade--8th Grade Awards--Activities Allied Arts--District--Handbook--Homework--Lunch--Main Page Media Center--Mission ...www.dc.k12.mn.us/mschool
- Welcome to the Cokato Museum & Gust Akerlund Studio The Cokato Museum is an award-winning local history museum that focuses on the history of the city of Cokato and the surrounding townships in southwstern Wright County. Located at the corner of 4th Street West and Millard Avenue South in downtown Cokato, the museum is open the following hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, ...www.cokato.mn.us/cmhs
- Enter ...www.cokato.mn.us/carnival