- Offering comprehensive information on Favism, the G6PD (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) enzyme deficiency. Including lists of drugs and food to avoid; medical articles; and related links.rialto.com/favism
- Hemolytic anemia. thalassemia. Prevention Return to top There is no known prevention for hemolytic anemia.www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000571.htm
- Hemolytic Anemia. The symptoms of hemolytic anemia may resemble other blood conditions or medical problems. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.www.umm.edu/blood/anehemol.htm
- Your gateway to Virology on the Internet HOME LINKS JOIN UP VIROLOGY HAEMATOLOGY GENE THERAPY PCR KIDS STUFF Haemolytic Anaemia Testing To check for the presence of any haemolytic anaemia the following test may be performed: Haematology Profile (FBC/FBE) Should demonstrate an anaemia Blood Film Schistocytes Products of RBC breakdown Suggests intravascular haemolysis (IVH) Microspherocytes ...www.uq.edu.au/vdu/HDUHaemolyticAnaemiaTests.htm