- Office of Student Financial Aid Welcome to the Tarleton State University Financial Aid Office home page! It is the mission of the Financial Aid Office to eliminate or diminish financial barriers to students seeking an education at Tarleton State University, and to inform prospective students, parents and enrolled students of financial aid resources and requirements. In order to achieve this ...www.tarleton.edu/~finaid
- The Student Counseling Center at Tarleton serves between 400 and 500 students for counseling each year. Over 1500 one-hour appointments are typically scheduled. The professional staff regularly consults with faculty, staff, administration, students, and parents as well as present outreach presentations. Whenever the university is open, there is always a counselor on-call for emergencies.www.tarleton.edu/~counseling
- International academic programs home page for potential and current international students at Tarleton State University. Created to promote understanding and provide information about the International Program as well as the Study abroad program. ...www.tarleton.edu/~iap