Mingan Island Cetacean Study (MICS) is a non-profit research organization dedicated to the ecological study of whales and other marine mammals throughout the world.
HOME MINKE RIGHT FINBACK SEI HUMPBACK ORCA BLUE SUPPORT ETHICS TALES SONGS IMAGES GUESTBOOK LINKS SHARKS The Bay of Fundy Whales Updated 02/04/28 In Micmac lore, it was a giant whale, who angered the god Glooscap and created such a splash with his mighty tail, that the water sloshes back and forth to this day. In actuality, the story of the tremendous Bay of Fundy tides is no less the stuff of ...
Pleasant Bay Whale Interpretive Centre, Explore Cape Breton Nova Scotia's famous whale-watching tours, learn about whales and marine life. ...
Belugas du Saint-Laurent Saint Lawrence beluga Les belugas qui vivent dans l'Estuaire du Saint-Laurent sont des vestiges de la faune arctique que les glaciers ont laisses derriere eux, il y a plus de 10, 000 ans. L'habitat aquatique ou ils sont en quelque sorte emprisonnes draine actuellement le quart le plus industrialise d'Amerique du Nord. Il n'est donc pas surprenant que les tissus de ces ...
Whale Friends is an activist network campaigning to phase-out the incarceration of whales and dolphins in the Vancouver Aquarium ...