- Excerpt from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Diogenes of Sinope (4th cen. BCE). Diogenes the Cynic.www.utm.edu/research/iep/d/diogsino.htm
- A brief biography of Diogenes with a collection of quotes attributed to him.www.benbest.com/philo/diogenes.html
- Honore Daumier: Alexander und Diogenes 14. 8. 1842 Detail (Dieser Link ffnet ein zus tzliches Fenster) Vorhergehendes Bild | Thumbnails | N chstes Bild ...www.kzu.ch/fach/as/gallerie/myth/daumier/daumier21.htm
- Diogenes of Sinope Discussion Deck.jollyroger.com/zz/yphilo1d/DiogenesofSinopehall/shakespeare1.html
- This page is dedicated to Diogenes of Sinope the Cynic Tell me, Oh! Dog!, who is the man whose monument thou art guarding He is no one but the Dog Himself! But who could have been this man, the Dog Himself Diogenes, indeed! And what is his place of origin He was a man from Sinope. He who used to live in a tub Yes, indeed, he himself! But now, in his death, he lives among the stars! My name ...users.otenet.gr/~ziggy/index1.html