- www.ibiblio.org/expo/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit/Library/levit.html
- Index/Table of Contents Old Testament and New Testament Credits and Copyright PENTATEUCH LECTURE 12 LEVITICUS Students will be able to 1. explain the theme, occasion, and authorship of Leviticus. 2. discuss six prominent subjects which summarize Leviticus. Content of Lecture Theme: Irving L. Jensen describes Leviticus as God's manual for His people on how to approach Him and live pleasing in ...www.ministryserver.com/dsmtext/ottext12.htm
- This page contains the article entitled Deconstruction and the body by Francis Landy ...www.arts.ualberta.ca/JHS/Articles/article_11.htm
- La pagina corrente utilizza dei frame, che tuttavia non sono supportati dal browser in uso. ...www.bsw.org/project/biblica/bibl79/Res03.htm