- An article from the Catholic Encyclopedia ...www.newadvent.org/cathen/04642b.htm
- Abner. Discover the amazing truth of the Gospel. Eternal life. Christian living. Bible people, places, things. End time prophecy. Many worldwide study links.www.execulink.com/~wblank/david.htm
- David - Faith and Courage - Mighty in Spirit ...www.intouch.org/myintouch/mighty/davidsfaith_77977.html
- Christian Library bible studies. One of the sermons, biblical studies, or topical studies in the Christian Library.www.wordsoftruth.net/studydavid.htm
- David and Goliath: A description of David and his life as well as verses he is mentioned in in the Bible.www.mustardseed.net/html/pedavid.html