- Galilee Lutheran Church (LCMS), Pasadena, MD. Pastor: Pastor Birner ...galileelutheran.org
- Nazareth is a LCMS church located in Baltimore Maryland ...www.nazarethonline.org
- Our Shepherd Lutheran Church C. Frederick Eichner, Senior Pastor Email Address:cfe66@hotmail.com cfe Kathy L. Disbro, Associate Pastor Email Address: pastorkathy@hotmail.com kld 400 Benfield Road Severna Park, MD 21146 (410) 647-1658 Fax: 410-975-9844 Email Address: oslc@hotmail.com oslc WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:15 A.M. Contemporary Worship 9:30 A.M. Traditional Liturgy By the power of the Holy ...ourshepherd.com/wp